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Newborn photoshoot of Carter in Glasgow

Life is a miracle in itself, and we realize that when we see a baby. The most incredible and emotional moment in our lives comes when we hold our baby for the first time. And who doesn't want to capture those moments – the milestones in the life of your precious one? A newborn photoshoot is all about capturing the delicate and priceless moments when a baby smiles or yawns. Everything about a baby is adorable, and newborn photography celebrates that.

The Tominey family was visibly excited when they contacted us. They wanted a Glasgow photo session with their baby Carter. We know how parents feel when they approach us for such a session. They get super excited to have some cute photos of their kids, but at the same time, they worry about their comfort and safety. We assure them of our dedication and commitment to ensure the comfort of the baby. Carter's parents wanted candid photos, not much of fancy props and settings. So, we decided to use minimal props and focus on Carter and his expressions.

We had this extremely satisfying session with Carter Tominey and his parents in our Glasgow studio
Newborn photoshoot of Carter in Glasgow

A wrapped bundle of joy 

Through experience, we have found that tiny tots love to be wrapped in soft and comfy clothes. This keeps them warm and cosy. They feel secure also. Our first shot with Carter had a delicate dream-like feeling with the white and blue colour combination. The white cot with the green foliage added vibrancy to the image while the blue fur blanket kept Carter snug. He slept peacefully as we wrapped him in a powder blue cotton sheet.

After the first shot went perfect, we decided to make things a little dramatic. Of course, for newborn photos, props have to be safe and comfy. We chose a black burrito to wrap Carter. The black carpet as his bed and the proper use of light made his face so illuminated that you cannot take your eyes off it. Look at this snap, and you will know what angelic means.

Portrait of love – the Tominey family 

 No photoshoot with babies is complete without the parents. I love to capture photos of the parents holding their babies with eyes full of love. It's heavenly. The way Mr Tominey held Carter in his arms, so careful, so loving, you can feel his love. And what happens when a mom caresses her baby? Look at Mrs Tominey adoring her baby. It's pure bliss. But don't miss the look on papa's face. He is rejoicing this moment of togetherness when their family looks so complete.

There are perks of being a newborn photographer. I get to meet so many cutie pies and spend time with them. I have learned to be patient and wait for the right time to film the perfect smile or chuckle. I have realized how a yawning baby can make your heart go aww.

I hope you liked these photos and blessed Carter for a healthy and happy life ahead. We also wish the family a great future ahead and create milestones that they will always cherish


© Glasgow Family Photography

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Glasgow Family Photography offering studio and location-based professional & natural newborn, baby, children, maternity, family, portraits and themed photography.

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60 Mollinsburn St
G21 4SF - Glasgow

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